Trust Services - CNB Bank, Inc

Trust Services

Living Trust

When you want to protect your loved ones, We're right here.

A living trust is created to benefit the grantor during his or her lifetime with the remaining assets transferred to beneficiaries upon the grantor's death. 

Testamentary Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today. 

In a Testamentary Trust, sometimes referred to as a Trust Under Will, the decedent's will instructs the executor of the estate to create a trust and the terms of that trust are included in the will. 

Revocable Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today.

Put very simply, a revocable trust can be revoked or amended during the grantor's lifetime. 

Irrevocable Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today.

Put very simply, an irrevocable trust cannot be changed or revoked once established.

Charitable Trusts

We're right here to help you make a difference.

Charitable trusts, including Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead trusts, are created for the benefit of a non-profit organization or charity. 

Special Needs Trust

Protect the ones you love. We're right here to help you.

A special needs trust is a type of trust created for a disabled person, which will not reduce their public assistance benefits.

Spendthrift Trust

Ensure your assets are taken care for.

A spendthrift trust is a trust that protects assets from the beneficiary's creditor claims and puts provisions in place to prevent the beneficiary from squandering the assets of the trust.  

Life Insurance Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today. 

A life insurance trust is a trust that both owns and is the beneficiary of one or more life insurance policies. When the insured dies, the proceeds are then managed by the trustee for the beneficiaries. 

Qualified Personal Residence Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today. 

A qualified personal residence trust is a trust in which an individual transfers ownership of their home to a trust, which removes it from their estate. 

Generation-Skipping Trust

Protect your loved ones for many generations to come.

Generation-Skipping Trusts are often used to transfer money to grandchildren but can be created for any beneficiary at least two generations junior to the grantor. 

Credit Shelter Trust

Protect your loved ones starting today. 

A Credit Shelter Trust is funded with an amount up to the estate-tax exemption. 



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